monthly Meet-ups

Once a month, we meet to catch up, share good stuff, and keep community connections.


Regular classes on blockchain theoretical aspects and hands-on solidity development classes. Classes are mainly in Amharic language and optionally in English if someone in the class understands English better.


Regular classes on blockchain theoretical aspects and hands-on solidity development classes. Classes are mainly in Amharic language and optionally in English if someone in the class understands English better.

Blockchain Fundumental Classes

The concepts, philosophies, goals and the technical details of the blockchain delivered in the Amharic language.

Town Halls

Weekly sessions for updates, projects presentation, introducing new member to the community, question and answer about things of the Xerxis Ethereum Develeopers community.


Regular classes on blockchain theoretical aspects and hands-on solidity development classes. Classes are mainly in Amharic language and optionally in English if someone in the class understands English better.


We are a hub in Ethiopia for the world wide Ethereum resources translation competetion.

Upcoming Events


In September 2024, we are prepared to organize the first Ethereum community event in Ethiopia.


In September, we will have developers hack on challenging issues bring cool solutions, and contribute to the community.


Seminars by industry experts and leaders will be held to give you something you will very much appreciate about web3 space.

Talk to us

Which event is the most interesting to you? Is there a topic or an area of discussion you’re looking forward to having in any of the upcoming events? or even if you have any new event suggestions, feel free to let us know.